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Holy Matrimony



Please call the Parish Office and one of the priests to schedule an initial interview. You may reach the Office at 619-474-1501 (leave a voice mail message) or email NAME, the Parish Secretary will contact you.


Some things you should know:

  • The Diocese of San Diego requires a 9-month preparation time, in which couples attend marriage preparation classes.

  • As with anything that is official and legal, there is paperwork to fill out and present. At an initial interview, all of this will be explained to you.

  • To have a Catholic Wedding, your marriage must take place in church. The priests of our diocese are not allowed to preside at a wedding outside of the church, such as a park, backyard, seashore, hotel, etc.



Sometimes, couples are married only in a civil ceremony. This type of marriage is a legal marriage according to state laws, however, Catholic couples are missing out on the graces that are received from the Sacrament of Matrimony and the Church does not recognize this marriage. As a baptized Catholic you should eagerly desire to live your faith to the fullest and want to fulfill your baptismal promises of living a life filled with grace. If you are living in a civil marriage, you cannot receive any other sacraments such as Eucharist or perform duties as ministers of the church. You may not be able to have your children baptized or be a sponsor at a baptism. We can take care of many different situations. We can do this type of Marriage, called a Validation, in a simple ceremony with no fuss and usually minimal cost. Again, there is paperwork to fill out and sometimes, depending on many things, classes are recommended. Previous marriages can and must be resolved with the church and we can help with this also.

So, if you are living in a civil marriage and would like to receive all of the blessings of a sacramental marriage, please call the Wedding Coordinator or one of our priests or deacon. Don’t wait, do it today!



We celebrate joyfully with couples who have been married in the Catholic Church for a number of years and who want to mark special anniversaries with a Mass of celebration. Just call the Wedding Coordinator for more information.


As a rule, weddings are scheduled on Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m.

There are some exceptions. However, we can never schedule a wedding or anniversary later than 2:00 p.m. on a Saturday or weekday and never on Sundays.

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